Food Science


The “Other” Rickettsiales : an Overview of the Family “ Candidatus Midichloriaceae”

Giannotti et al. (2022). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 88 (6)
“Midichloriaceae” Ca. Midichloriaceae
Among endosymbiotic bacterial lineages, few are as intensely studied as Rickettsiales , which include the causative agents of spotted fever, typhus, and anaplasmosis. However, an important subgroup called “ Candidatus Midichloriaceae” receives little attention despite accounting for a third of the diversity of Rickettsiales and harboring a wide range of bacteria with unique features, like the ability to infect m

New Avoparcin-like Molecules from the Avoparcin Producer Amycolatopsis coloradensis ATCC 53629

Ramoni et al. (2022). Fermentation 8 (2)
Amycolatopsis coloradensis
Amycolatopsis coloradensis ATCC 53629 is the producer of the glycopeptide antibiotic avoparcin. While setting up the production of the avoparcin complex, in view of its use as analytical standard, we uncovered the production of a to-date not described ristosamynil-avoparcin. Ristosamynil-avoparcin is produced together with α- and β-avoparcin (overall indicated as the avoparcin complex). Selection of one high producer morphological variant within the A. coloradensis population, together with the

Candidatus Kaistella beijingensis sp. nov., Isolated from a Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant, Is Involved in Sludge Foaming

Song et al. (2021). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 87 (24)
Ca. Kaistella beijingensis
Biological foaming or scumming is a sludge separation problem that has become the subject of major concern for long-term stable activated sludge operation in decades. Biological foaming was considered induced by foaming bacteria.

Genomic Insights into the Ecological Role and Evolution of a Novel Thermoplasmata Order, “ Candidatus Sysuiplasmatales”

Yuan et al. (2021). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 87 (22)
Ca. Sysuiplasmatales
A wide array of archaea populate Earth’s extreme environments; therefore, they may play important roles in mediating biogeochemical processes such as iron and sulfur cycling. However, our knowledge of archaeal biology and evolution is still limited considering that the majority of the archaeal diversity is uncultured.

A Glycolipid Glycosyltransferase with Broad Substrate Specificity from the Marine Bacterium “ Candidatus Pelagibacter sp.” Strain HTCC7211

Wei et al. (2021). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 87 (14)
Ca. Pelagibacter
The bilayer formed by membrane lipids serves as the containment unit for living microbial cells. In the marine environment, it has been firmly established that phytoplankton and heterotrophic bacteria can substitute phospholipids with nonphosphorus sugar-containing glycoglycerolipids in response to phosphorus limitation.

Sifarchaeota ,” a Novel Asgard Phylum from Costa Rican Sediment Capable of Polysaccharide Degradation and Anaerobic Methylotrophy

Farag et al. (2021). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 87 (9)
“Sifarchaeum subterraneum” “Sifarchaeum” Ca. Sifarchaeum marinoarchaea Ca. Sifarchaeum subterraneus “Sifarchaeota”
The exploration of deep marine sediments has unearthed many new lineages of microbes. The finding of this novel phylum of Asgard archaea is important, since understanding the diversity and evolution of Asgard archaea may inform also about the evolution of eukaryotic cells. The comparison of metabolic potentials of the Asgard archaea can help inform about selective pressures the lineages have faced during evolution.

“ Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” Secretes Nonclassically Secreted Proteins That Suppress Host Hypersensitive Cell Death and Induce Expression of Plant Pathogenesis-Related Proteins

Du et al. (2021). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 87 (8)
Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus
In this study, we present a combined computational and experimental methodology that allows a rapid and efficient identification of the ncSecPs from bacteria, in particular the unculturable bacteria like CLas. Meanwhile, the study determined that a number of CLas ncSecPs suppressed HR-based cell death, and thus indicated a novel role for the bacterial ncSecPs in extracellular milieu.

The Actin Cytoskeleton Mediates Transmission of “ Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum” by the Carrot Psyllid

Sarkar et al. (2021). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 87 (3)
“Liberibacter solanacearum”
Plant diseases caused by vector-borne pathogens are responsible for tremendous losses and threaten some of the most important agricultural crops. A good example is the citrus greening disease, which is caused by bacteria of the genus Liberibacter and is transmitted by psyllids; it has devastated the citrus industry in the United States, China, and Brazil.

A Sample-to-Answer Compact Optical System for On-Site Detection of Candidatus Liberibacter Asiaticus

Wu et al. (2021). Transactions of the ASABE 64 (1)
Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus Liberibacter
HighlightsA portable system based on real-time fluorescence analysis was developed for field detection of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus within 40 min from sample to answer.A smartphone-assisted device was designed for easy operation, reliable nucleic acid amplification, and highly sensitive fluorescence detection, with sensitivity comparable to that of a commercial instrument.A novel homemade 3D printed box was used for in-field reagent storage, and it could maintain low temperature (&lt

Revealing the Metabolic Flexibility of “ Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis” through Redox Cofactor Analysis and Metabolic Network Modeling

Guedes da Silva et al. (2020). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 86 (24)
“Accumulibacter phosphatis”
Here, we demonstrate how microbial storage metabolism can adjust to a wide range of environmental conditions. Such flexibility generates a selective advantage under fluctuating environmental conditions. It can also explain the different observations reported in PAO literature, including the capacity of “ Ca . Accumulibacter phosphatis” to act like glycogen-accumulating organisms (GAOs). These observations stem from slightly different experimental conditions,