

Prevalence of Spotted Fever Group Rickettsia and Candidatus Lariskella in Multiple Tick Species from Guizhou Province, China

Lu et al. (2022). Biomolecules 12 (11)
“Midichloriaceae” Ca. Lariskella Ca. Lariskella guizhouensis Ca. Midichloria mitochondrii Ca. Midichloriaceae Ca. Rickettsia jingxinensis
Rickettsiales (Rickettsia spp., Ehrlichia spp., and Anaplasma spp., etc.) are generally recognized as potentially emerging tick-borne pathogens. However, some bacteria and areas in China remain uninvestigated. In this study, we collected 113 ticks from mammals in Guizhou Province, Southwest China, and screened for the Rickettsiales bacteria. Subsequently, two spotted fever group Rickettsia species and one Candidatus Lariskella sp. were detected and characterized. “Candidatus Rickettsia jingxinen

Identification of housekeeping genes of Candidatus Branchiomonas cysticola associated with epitheliocystis in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)

Mjølnerød et al. (2022). Archives of Microbiology 204 (7)
Ca. Branchiomonas cystocola
AbstractCandidatus Branchiomonas cysticola is an intracellular, gram-negative Betaproteobacteria causing epitheliocystis in Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar L.). The bacterium has not been genetically characterized at the intraspecific level despite its high prevalence among salmon suffering from gill disease in Norwegian aquaculture. DNA from gill samples of Atlantic salmon PCR positive for Cand. B. cysticola and displaying pathological signs of gill disease, was, therefore, extracted and subject t

Reevaluation of the Phylogenetic Diversity and Global Distribution of the Genus “CandidatusAccumulibacter”

Petriglieri et al. (2022). mSystems 7 (3)
“Accumulibacter” “Accumulibacter adiacens” “Accumulibacter meliphilus” “Accumulibacter propinquus” “Accumulibacter contiguus” “Accumulibacter vicinus” “Accumulibacter cognatus” “Accumulibacter affinis” “Accumulibacter proximus” “Accumulibacter necessarius” “Accumulibacter iunctus” “Accumulibacter similis” “Accumulibacter conexus” “Propionivibrio dominans” “Accumulibacter adjunctus” “Proximibacter danicus” “Proximibacter”
“CandidatusAccumulibacter” is the most studied PAO, with a primary role in biological nutrient removal. However, the species-level taxonomy of this lineage is convoluted due to the use of different phylogenetic markers or genome sequencing approaches. Here, we redefined the phylogeny of these organisms, proposing a comprehensive approach which could be used to address the classification of other diverse and uncultivated lineages.

Effect of the Symbiosis with Mycoplasma hominis and Candidatus Mycoplasma Girerdii on Trichomonas vaginalis Metronidazole Susceptibility

Margarita et al. (2022). Antibiotics 11 (6)
Ca. Mycoplasma girerdii
Trichomoniasis, the most common non-viral sexually transmitted infection worldwide, is caused by the protozoon Trichomonas vaginalis. The 5- nitroimidazole drugs, of which metronidazole is the most prescribed, are the only effective drugs to treat trichomoniasis. Resistance against metronidazole is increasingly reported among T. vaginalis isolates. T. vaginalis can establish an endosymbiosis with two Mycoplasma species, Mycoplasma hominis and Candidatus Mycoplasma girerdii, whose presence has be

Deciphering Symbiotic Interactions of “ Candidatus Aenigmarchaeota” with Inferred Horizontal Gene Transfers and Co-occurrence Networks

Li et al. (2021). mSystems 6 (4)
Ca. Aenigmarchaeota
Recent advances in sequencing technology promoted the blowout discovery of super tiny microbes in the Diapherotrites , Parvarchaeota , Aenigmarchaeota , Nanoarchaeota , and Nanohaloarchaeota (DPANN) superphylum. However, the unculturable properties of the majority of microbes impeded our investigation of their behavior and symbiotic lifestyle in the corresponding c