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FlgI Is a Sec-Dependent Effector of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus That Can Be Blocked by Small Molecules Identified Using a Yeast Screen

Zuo et al. (2024). Plants 13 (2)
Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus
Huanglongbing (HLB) is one of the most devastating diseases of citrus worldwide. The phloem-restricted bacterium Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas) is considered to be the main pathogen responsible for HLB. There is currently no effective practical strategy for the control of HLB. Our understanding of how pathogens cause HLB is limited because CLas has not been artificially cultured. In this study, 15 potential virulence factors were predicted from the proteome of CLas through DeepVF and P

Sub-optimal temperatures lead to altered expression of stress-related genes and increased ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ accumulation in potato psyllid

Fisher et al. (2024). Frontiers in Insect Science 3
“Liberibacter solanacearum”
IntroductionThe potato psyllid Bactericera cockerelli is the insect vector of the fastidious bacterium ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’. The bacterium infects both B. cockerelli and plant species, causing zebra chip (ZC) disease of potato and vein-greening disease of tomato. Temperatures are known to influence the initiation and progression of disease symptom in the host plant, and seasonal transitions from moderate to high temperatures trigger psyllid dispersal migration to facilitate sur

Improving the Comprehension of Pathogenicity and Phylogeny in ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma meliae’ through Genome Characterization

Fernández et al. (2024). Microorganisms 12 (1)
Ca. Phytoplasma meliae
‘Candidatus Phytoplasma meliae’ is a pathogen associated with chinaberry yellowing disease, which has become a major phytosanitary problem for chinaberry forestry production in Argentina. Despite its economic impact, no genome information of this phytoplasma has been published, which has hindered its characterization at the genomic level. In this study, we used a metagenomics approach to analyze the draft genome of the ‘Ca. P. meliae’ strain ChTYXIII. The draft assembly consisted of twenty-one c

Candidatus Nitrosocosmicus members are the dominant archaea associated with pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) and ginseng (Panax ginseng C.A. Mey.) plants rhizospheres

Lee et al. (2024).
Ca. Nitrosocosmicus
Background: Although archaea are widespread in terrestrial environments, little is known about the selection forces that shape their composition, functions, survival, and proliferation strategies in the rhizosphere. The ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA), which are abundant in soil environments, catalyze the first step of nitrification and have the potential to influence plant growth and development significantly. Results: Based on archaeal 16S rRNA and amoA gene (encoding the ammonia monooxygenase

Flexible genomic island conservation across freshwater and marine Methylophilaceae

Layoun et al. (2024). The ISME Journal 18 (1)
“Novamethylotenera aquatica” “Methylopumilus” “Methylopumilus planktonicus”
Abstract The evolutionary trajectory of Methylophilaceae includes habitat transitions from freshwater sediments to freshwater and marine pelagial that resulted in genome reduction (genome-streamlining) of the pelagic taxa. However, the extent of genetic similarities in the genomic structure and microdiversity of the two genome-streamlined pelagic lineages (freshwater “Ca. Methylopumilus” and the marine OM43 lineage) has so far never been compared. Here, we analyzed complete genome

Members of the class Candidatus Ordosarchaeia imply an alternative evolutionary scenario from methanogens to haloarchaea

Zhao et al. (2024). The ISME Journal 18 (1)
Ca. Hikarchaeia Ca. Ordosarchaeia
Abstract The origin of methanogenesis can be traced to the common ancestor of non-DPANN archaea, whereas haloarchaea (or Halobacteria) are believed to have evolved from a methanogenic ancestor through multiple evolutionary events. However, due to the accelerated evolution and compositional bias of proteins adapting to hypersaline habitats, Halobacteria exhibit substantial evolutionary divergence from methanogens, and the identification of the closest methanogen (either Methanonatr

'Candidatus Phytoplasma mali' SAP11-Like protein modulates expression of genes involved in metabolic pathways, photosynthesis, and defense in Nicotiana occidentalis leaves

Mittelberger et al. (2024).
Ca. Phytoplasma mali
Abstract Background: 'Candidatus Phytoplasma mali', the causal agent of apple proliferation disease, exerts influence on its host plant through various effector proteins, including SAP11CaPm which interacts with different TCP transcription factors. This study examines the transcriptional response of the plant upon early expression of SAP11CaPm. For that purpose, leaves of Nicotiana occidentalis H.-M. Wheeler were Agrobacterium-infiltrated to induce transient expression of SAP11CaPm and c

Candidatus Siderophilus nitratireducens”: a putative nap-dependent nitrate-reducing iron oxidizer within the new order Siderophiliales

Corbera-Rubio et al. (2024). ISME Communications 4 (1)
Ca. Siderophilus nitratireducens
Abstract Nitrate leaching from agricultural soils is increasingly found in groundwater, a primary source of drinking water worldwide. This nitrate influx can potentially stimulate the biological oxidation of iron in anoxic groundwater reservoirs. Nitrate-dependent iron-oxidizing (NDFO) bacteria have been extensively studied in laboratory settings, yet their ecophysiology in natural environments remains largely unknown. To this end, we established a pilot-scale filter on nitrate-ri

Chlamydiae as symbionts of photosynthetic dinoflagellates

Maire et al. (2024). The ISME Journal 18 (1)
Algichlamydia australiensis Ts Algichlamydia
Abstract Chlamydiae are ubiquitous intracellular bacteria and infect a wide diversity of eukaryotes, including mammals. However, chlamydiae have never been reported to infect photosynthetic organisms. Here, we describe a novel chlamydial genus and species, Candidatus Algichlamydia australiensis, capable of infecting the photosynthetic dinoflagellate Cladocopium sp. (originally isolated from a scleractinian coral). Algichlamydia australiensis was confirmed to be intracellular by fl