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Chlamydiae as symbionts of photosynthetic dinoflagellates

Maire et al. (2024). The ISME Journal 18 (1)
Algichlamydia australiensis Ts Algichlamydia
Abstract Chlamydiae are ubiquitous intracellular bacteria and infect a wide diversity of eukaryotes, including mammals. However, chlamydiae have never been reported to infect photosynthetic organisms. Here, we describe a novel chlamydial genus and species, Candidatus Algichlamydia australiensis, capable of infecting the photosynthetic dinoflagellate Cladocopium sp. (originally isolated from a scleractinian coral). Algichlamydia australiensis was confirmed to be intracellular by fl

Candidatus Siderophilus nitratireducens”: a putative nap-dependent nitrate-reducing iron oxidizer within the new order Siderophiliales

Corbera-Rubio et al. (2024). ISME Communications 4 (1)
Ca. Siderophilus nitratireducens
Abstract Nitrate leaching from agricultural soils is increasingly found in groundwater, a primary source of drinking water worldwide. This nitrate influx can potentially stimulate the biological oxidation of iron in anoxic groundwater reservoirs. Nitrate-dependent iron-oxidizing (NDFO) bacteria have been extensively studied in laboratory settings, yet their ecophysiology in natural environments remains largely unknown. To this end, we established a pilot-scale filter on nitrate-ri

Intracellular symbiont Symbiodolus is vertically transmitted and widespread across insect orders

Wierz et al. (2024). The ISME Journal 18 (1)
Symbiodolus clandestinus Ts Symbiodolus
Abstract Insects engage in manifold interactions with bacteria that can shift along the parasitism–mutualism continuum. However, only a small number of bacterial taxa managed to successfully colonize a wide diversity of insects, by evolving mechanisms for host-cell entry, immune evasion, germline tropism, reproductive manipulation, and/or by providing benefits to the host that stabilize the symbiotic association. Here, we report on the discovery of an Enterobacterales endosymbiont

Spirochaete genome identified in red abalone sample represents a novel genus Candidatus Haliotispira gen. nov. within the order Spirochaetales

Sharma et al. (2024). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 74 (1)
Ca. Haliotispira Ca. Haliotispira prima
A fully assembled spirochaete genome was identified as a contaminating scaffold in our red abalone (Haliotis rufescens) genome assembly. In this paper, we describe the analysis of this bacterial genome. The assembled spirochaete genome is 3.25 Mb in size with 48.5 mol% G+C content. The proteomes of 38 species were compared with the spirochaete genome and it was discovered to form an independent branch within the family Spirochaetaceae

The best of both worlds: a proposal for further integration of Candidatus names into the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes

Arahal et al. (2024). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 74 (1)
The naming of prokaryotes is governed by the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes (ICNP) and partially by the International Code of Nomenclature for Algae, Fungi and Plants (ICN). Such codes must be able to determine names of taxa in a universal and unambiguous manner, thus serving as a common language across different fields and activities. This unity is undermined when a new code of nomenclature emerges that overlaps in scope with an established, time-tested code and uses the same

Infection with ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ improves the fecundity of Diaphorina citri aiding its proliferation: A win‐win strategy

Nian et al. (2024). Molecular Ecology 33 (2)
Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus
AbstractThe evolution of insect vector‐pathogen relationships has long been of interest in the field of molecular ecology. One system of special relevance, due to its economic impacts, is that between Diaphorina citri and ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ (CLas), the cause of the severe Asian form of huanglongbing. CLas‐positive D. citri are more fecund than their CLas‐negative counterparts, boosting opportunities for pathogens to acquire new vector hosts. The molecular mechanism behind this l

Molecular characterization of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma phoenicium’ infecting almond (Prunus dulcis) and evaluation of biochemical defenses produced in the plants

Akkurak et al. (2024). Journal of Phytopathology 172 (1)
Ca. Phytoplasma phoenicium
AbstractIncreasing incidences of phytoplasma infestations in Almond trees warrants the better management approach to prevent yield losses. Disease management rely on identification of the pathogen based on molecular profiling. The present study aimed, to identify the phytoplasma agent in almond trees and to measure the biochemical responses it causes in the host. Direct and Nested PCRs performed using phytoplasma specific primer pairs 16S rRNA, detected the presence of phytoplasma agent in sympt