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Hahn, Pitt (2021). Bergey's Manual of Systematics of Archaea and Bacteria
Abstract'la. N.L. fem. dim. n. Silvanigrella named after Silva nigra the Latin geographic name of the Schwarzwald (Black Forest) mountains located in the south‐west of Germany. Proteobacteria / Oligoflexia / Silvanigrellales / Silvanigrellaceae / Silvanigrella The genus Silvanigrella accommodates heterotrophic freshwater bacteria isolated from

Modeling the Life Cycle of the Intramitochondrial Bacterium “ Candidatus Midichloria mitochondrii” Using Electron Microscopy Data

Comandatore et al. (2021). mBio 12 (3)
Ca. Midichloria mitochondrii
Our results suggest that Midichloria mitochondrii , the intramitochondrial bacterium, does not invade mitochondria like predatory bacteria do but instead moves from mitochondrion to mitochondrion within the oocytes of Ixodes ricinus . A better understanding of the lifestyle of M. mitochondrii will allow us to better define the role of this bacterial symbiont in the host physiology.

Bactericera cockerelli Sulc. (Hemíptera: Triozidae) causante de punta morada (Candidatus liberibacter, solanacearum) en papa (Solanum tuberosum L.) en Estelí, Nicaragua

Jiménez-Martínez, Ramos Andino (2021). La Calera 21 (36)
“Liberibacter solanacearum”
La papa Solanum tuberosum L pertenece a la familia de las solanáceas, es el cuarto cultivo sembrado en más de 100 países incluyendo Nicaragua, en este país existe un consumo por persona de hasta unos 8 kg anuales, la papa se cultiva en Nicaragua entre 800 a 1 200 hectáreas y se obtiene una producción que representa de 35 % a 40 % de la demanda nacional. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la fluctuación poblacional de  Bactericera cockerelli e incidencia de punta morada (Candidatus l

Recoding of stop codons expands the metabolic potential of two novel Asgardarchaeota lineages

Sun et al. (2021). ISME Communications 1 (1)
Ca. Borrarchaeum weybense Jordiarchaeum Jordiarchaeum madagascariense Ts “Sifarchaeaceae” Jordiarchaeaceae “Sifarchaeales” Jordiarchaeales “Sifarchaeia” Jordiarchaeia “Borrarchaeaceae” Ca. Borrarchaeum “Sifarchaeum” Ca. Sifarchaeum marinoarchaea Ca. Sifarchaeum subterraneus “Sifarchaeota”
AbstractAsgardarchaeota have been proposed as the closest living relatives to eukaryotes, and a total of 72 metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) representing six primary lineages in this archaeal phylum have thus far been described. These organisms are predicted to be fermentative heterotrophs contributing to carbon cycling in sediment ecosystems. Here, we double the genomic catalogue of Asgardarchaeota by obtaining 71 MAGs from a range of habitats around the globe, including the deep subsurface,

Discovery of Novel GMPS Inhibitors of Candidatus Liberibacter Asiaticus by Structure Based Design and Enzyme Kinetic

Nan et al. (2021). Biology 10 (7)
Citrus production is facing an unprecedented problem because of huanglongbing (HLB) disease. Presently, no effective HLB-easing method is available when citrus becomes infected. Guanosine 5′-monophosphate synthetase (GMPS) is a key protein in the de novo synthesis of guanine nucleotides. GMPS is used as an attractive target for developing agents that are effective against the patogen infection. In this research, homology modeling, structure-based virtual screening, and molecular docking were use

Spatiotemporal and Quantitative Monitoring of the Fate of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma Solani’ in Tomato Plants Infected by Grafting

Carminati et al. (2021). Pathogens 10 (7)
Ca. Phytoplasma
Understanding how phytoplasmas move and multiply within the host plant is fundamental for plant–pathogen interaction studies. In recent years, the tomato has been used as a model plant to study this type of interaction. In the present work, we investigated the distribution and multiplication dynamics of one strain of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma (Ca. P.) solani’ (16SrXII-A) in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L., cv. Micro-Tom) plants. We obtained infected plants by grafting, a fast and effective method

Low Global Diversity of Candidatus Microthrix, a Troublesome Filamentous Organism in Full-Scale WWTPs

Nierychlo et al. (2021). Frontiers in Microbiology 12
“Neomicrothrix” “Neomicrothrix subdominans”
CandidatusMicrothrix is one of the most common bulking filamentous microorganisms found in activated sludge wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) across the globe. One species,Ca.M. parvicella, is frequently observed, but global genus diversity, as well as important aspects of its ecology and physiology, are still unknown. Here, we use the MiDAS ecosystem-specific 16S rRNA gene database in combination with amplicon sequencing of Danish and global WWTPs to investigateCa.Microthrix spp. diversity, d