The ISME Journal


Cave Thiovulum (Candidatus Thiovulum stygium) differs metabolically and genomically from marine species Bizic et al. (2023). The ISME Journal 17 (3) Ca. Thiovulum karukerense Ca. Thiovulum stygium Ca. Thiovulum imperiosus
Genomic diversity and biosynthetic capabilities of sponge-associated chlamydiae Dharamshi et al. (2022). The ISME Journal 16 (12) “Parasimkaniaceae”
The novel genus, ‘Candidatus Phosphoribacter’, previously identified as Tetrasphaera, is the dominant polyphosphate accumulating lineage in EBPR wastewater treatment plants worldwide Singleton et al. (2022). The ISME Journal 16 (6) “Phosphoribacter baldrii” “Phosphoribacter hodrii” “Phosphoribacter tyrii” Ca. Lutibacillus “Phosphoribacter”
Niche partitioning of the ubiquitous and ecologically relevant NS5 marine group Priest et al. (2022). The ISME Journal 16 (6) “Marisimplicoccus framensis” “Marisimplicoccus” “Marivariicella” “Marivariicella framensis” “Maricapacicella” “Maricapacicella forsetii” “Arcticimaribacter” “Arcticimaribacter forsetii”
Niche differentiation of sulfur-oxidizing bacteria (SUP05) in submarine hydrothermal plumes Dede et al. (2022). The ISME Journal 16 (6) Ca. Thioglobus plumae Ca. Thioglobus vadi Ca. Thioglobus vulcanius
Correction to: Phylogeny resolved, metabolism revealed: functional radiation within a widespread and divergent clade of sponge symbionts Taylor et al. (2022). The ISME Journal 16 (4) Perseibacter sydneyensis Ts Perseibacter
Verrucomicrobiota are specialist consumers of sulfated methyl pentoses during diatom blooms Orellana et al. (2022). The ISME Journal 16 (3) “Seribacter sulfatis” “Fucivorax forsetii” “Fucivorax” “Mariakkermansia forsetii” “Mariakkermansia” “Chordibacter forsetii”
Genomic evolution of the class Acidithiobacillia: deep-branching Proteobacteria living in extreme acidic conditions Moya-Beltrán et al. (2021). The ISME Journal 15 (11) “Ambacidithiobacillus”
Novel taxa of Acidobacteriota implicated in seafloor sulfur cycling Flieder et al. (2021). The ISME Journal 15 (11) Sulfomarinibacter kjeldsenii Ts Sulfomarinibacter Sulfomarinibacteraceae “Polarisedimenticola svalbardensis” “Polarisedimenticola” “Polarisedimenticolaceae” “Polarisedimenticolia” “Polarisedimenticolales”
Candidatus Eremiobacterota, a metabolically and phylogenetically diverse terrestrial phylum with acid-tolerant adaptations Ji et al. (2021). The ISME Journal 15 (9) “Xenobiaceae” “Eremiobacterales” “Eremiobacteraceae” “Eremiobacter” “Eremiobacter antarcticus” “Eremiobacteria” “Zemynaea palustris” Ca. Zemynaea “Xenobiales” “Xenobia”