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Water column dynamics control nitrite-dependent anaerobic methane oxidation by Candidatus “Methylomirabilis” in stratified lake basins

Su et al. (2023). The ISME Journal 17 (5)
AbstractWe investigated microbial methane oxidation in the water column of two connected but hydrodynamically contrasting basins of Lake Lugano, Switzerland. Both basins accumulate large amounts of methane in the water column below their chemoclines, but methane oxidation efficiently prevents methane from reaching surface waters. Here we show that in the meromictic North Basin water column, a substantial fraction of methane was eliminated through anaerobic methane oxidation (AOM) coupled to nitr

Assessing Carrot Accessions Susceptibility to the Bacterial Pathogen ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ and Its Associated Symptoms

Hamershlak et al. (2023). Phytopathology® 113 (5)
“Liberibacter solanacearum”
‘ Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ is an insect-transmitted bacterium associated with several plant diseases. In the Mediterranean Basin, ‘ Ca. L. solanacearum’ haplotype D is vectored by Bactericera trigonica and can severely infect carrot plants leading to abnormal growth phenotypes and significant yield losses. Insecticide applications are insufficient to suppress disease spread and damage, and additional means for disease control are needed. In the current study, we evaluated the resis

Discovery of the Streamlined Haloarchaeon Halorutilus salinus , Comprising a New Order Widespread in Hypersaline Environments across the World

Durán-Viseras et al. (2023). mSystems 8 (2)
Halorutilaceae Halorutilales
The discovery of the new halophilic archaeon, Halorutilus salinus , representing a novel order, family, genus, and species within the class Halobacteria and phylum Euryarchaeota clearly enables insights into the microbial dark matter, expanding the current taxonomical knowledge of this group of archaea. The in-depth comparative genomic analysis performed on this new taxon revealed one of the first known examples

Characterization of a novel thermophilic cyanobacterium within Trichocoleusaceae, Trichothermofontia sichuanensis gen. et sp. nov., and its CO2-concentrating mechanism

Tang et al. (2023). Frontiers in Microbiology 14
Thermophiles from extreme thermal environments have shown tremendous potential regarding ecological and biotechnological applications. Nevertheless, thermophilic cyanobacteria remain largely untapped and are rarely characterized. Herein, a polyphasic approach was used to characterize a thermophilic strain, PKUAC-SCTB231 (hereafter B231), isolated from a hot spring (pH 6.62, 55.5°C) in Zhonggu village, China. The analyses of 16S rRNA phylogeny, secondary structures of 16S-23S ITS and morphology s

Metagenomic Discovery of “ Candidatus Parvarchaeales”-Related Lineages Sheds Light on Adaptation and Diversification from Neutral-Thermal to Acidic-Mesothermal Environments

Rao et al. (2023). mSystems 8 (2)
“Jingweiarchaeaceae” “Rehaiarchaeum fermentans” “Parvarchaeales” “Haiyanarchaeum thermophilum” “Jingweiarchaeum tengchongense” “Parvarchaeum tengchongense” “Haiyanarchaeum” “Jingweiarchaeum” “Haiyanarchaeaceae” “Jingweiarchaeales” “Rehaiarchaeum”
“ Candidatus Parvarchaeales” microbes may represent a lineage uniquely distributed in extreme environments such as AMD and hot springs. However, little is known about the strategies and processes of how they adapted to these extreme environments.