Public Names

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Palauibacter soopunensis Ts Aldeguer-Riquelme et al., 2023 Valid (SeqCode) Aldeguer-Riquelme, Borja almost 2 years ago
Ca. Thioaporhodococcus sediminis Amulyasai et al., 2022 Automated discovery Rodriguez-R, Luis M almost 2 years ago
Ca. Thioaporhodococcus Amulyasai et al., 2022 Automated discovery Excubia bot almost 2 years ago
Omnitrophus Rinke et al., 2013 and Seymour et al., 2023 Valid (SeqCode) Rinke, Chris almost 2 years ago
Omnitrophus fodinae Ts Rinke et al., 2013 and 2 other publications Valid (SeqCode) Rinke, Chris almost 2 years ago
Methanoliparia Borrel et al., 2019 and 3 other publications Valid (SeqCode) Borrel, Guillaume almost 2 years ago
Poriferisodalis Nguyen et al., 2023 Valid (SeqCode) Thomas, Torsten almost 2 years ago
Poriferisocius Nguyen et al., 2023 Valid (SeqCode) Thomas, Torsten almost 2 years ago
Hopanoidiivorans Nguyen et al., 2023 Valid (SeqCode) Thomas, Torsten almost 2 years ago
Spongiisocius Nguyen et al., 2023 Valid (SeqCode) Thomas, Torsten almost 2 years ago
Salinibacter pampae Viver et al., 2023 Valid (SeqCode) Viver, Tomeu almost 2 years ago
Salinibacter abyssi Viver et al., 2023 Valid (SeqCode) Viver, Tomeu almost 2 years ago
Omnitrophota Rinke et al., 2013 and Seymour et al., 2023 Valid (SeqCode) Palmer, Marike almost 2 years ago
Poriferisodalis multihospitum Ts Nguyen et al., 2023 Valid (SeqCode) Thomas, Torsten almost 2 years ago
Poriferisocius anaerobius Nguyen et al., 2023 Valid (SeqCode) Thomas, Torsten almost 2 years ago
Poriferisocius aerobius Ts Nguyen et al., 2023 Valid (SeqCode) Thomas, Torsten almost 2 years ago
Hopanoidiivorans cymbastelae Ts Nguyen et al., 2023 Valid (SeqCode) Thomas, Torsten almost 2 years ago
Spongiisocius variivorans Ts Nguyen et al., 2023 Valid (SeqCode) Thomas, Torsten almost 2 years ago
Ca. Campylobacter infans Garcia Bardales et al., 2022 Automated discovery Excubia bot almost 2 years ago
Tyloplasma litorale Ts Kawato et al., 2023 and Kawato et al., 2024 Valid (SeqCode) Kawato, Satoshi almost 2 years ago
Ca. Thiomargarita magnifica Zambrano, 2022 Automated discovery Excubia bot almost 2 years ago
Ca. Nitrosacidococcus urinae Faust et al., 2022 Automated discovery Excubia bot almost 2 years ago
Ca. Alkanophaga Zehnle et al., 2022 and Zehnle et al., 2023 Automated discovery Excubia bot almost 2 years ago
Nanobdella aerobiophila T Kato et al., 2022 Valid (ICNP) Rodriguez-R, Luis M about 2 years ago
Nanobdella Kato et al., 2022 Valid (ICNP) Rodriguez-R, Luis M about 2 years ago
Nanobdellaceae Kato et al., 2022 Valid (ICNP) Rodriguez-R, Luis M about 2 years ago
Nanobdellales Kato et al., 2022 Valid (ICNP) Rodriguez-R, Luis M about 2 years ago
Nanobdellia Kato et al., 2022 Valid (ICNP) Rodriguez-R, Luis M about 2 years ago
Zestosphaera tikiterensis T St. John et al., 2019 and Oren, Garrity, 2021 Valid (ICNP) St. John, Emily about 2 years ago
Zestosphaera St. John et al., 2019 and Oren, Garrity, 2021 Valid (ICNP) St. John, Emily about 2 years ago