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Description of Asgardarchaeum abyssi gen. nov. spec. nov., a novel species within the class Asgardarchaeia and phylum Asgardarchaeota in accordance with the SeqCode Tamarit et al. (2024). Systematic and Applied Microbiology “Asgardarchaeota” “Asgardarchaeia” “Asgardarchaeales” “Asgardarchaeaceae” “Asgardarchaeum” “Asgardarchaeum abyssi”
Commentary on the proposed Section 10 amendments to the International Code of nomenclature of Prokaryotes regarding Candidatus names Whitman, Venter (2024). Systematic and Applied Microbiology
Description of the first cultured representative of “Candidatus Synoicihabitans” genus, isolated from deep-sea sediment of South China Sea Ahmad et al. (2024). Systematic and Applied Microbiology 47 (2-3) “Synoicihabitans”
Genomic comparison of deep-sea hydrothermal genera related to Aeropyrum, Thermodiscus and Caldisphaera, and proposed emended description of the family Acidilobaceae St. John, Reysenbach (2024). Systematic and Applied Microbiology 47 (2-3) Aeropyrum Hestiella Hestiella acidicharens Ts Tiamatella incendiivivens Ts Tiamatella Thermodiscus eudorianus Calypsonella navitae Ts Calypsonella
SeqCode facilitates naming of South African rhizobia left in limbo van Lill et al. (2024). Systematic and Applied Microbiology 47 (2-3) Mesorhizobium australafricanum Mesorhizobium vachelliae Mesorhizobium montanum Mesorhizobium humile Mesorhizobium album Mesorhizobium dulcispinae Mesorhizobium captivum
Metagenomics of two aquifers with thermal anomalies in Mallorca Island, and proposal of new uncultivated taxa named following the rules of SeqCode Gago et al. (2024). Systematic and Applied Microbiology Lloretia debesea Ts Costitxiia Lloretiaceae Costitxiales Costitxiaceae Lloretia Costitxia Costitxia debesea Ts
Andean soil-derived lignocellulolytic bacterial consortium as a source of novel taxa and putative plastic-active enzymes Díaz-García et al. (2024). Systematic and Applied Microbiology 47 (1) Andeanibacterium Andeanibacterium colombiense Ts Pedobacter colombiensis Brevundimonas colombiensis Pseudomonas colombiensis Sphingomonas colombiensis Kaistia colombiensis Microbacterium colombiense Chryseobacterium colombiense Cohnella colombiensis Pseudobacter hemicellulosilyticus Sphingomonas phytovorans Brevundimonas phytovorans Pseudomonas phytovorans Devosia phytovorans Microbacterium phytovorans
First single-strain enrichments of Electrothrix cable bacteria, description of E. aestuarii sp. nov. and E. rattekaaiensis sp. nov., and proposal of a cable bacteria taxonomy following the rules of the SeqCode Plum-Jensen et al. (2024). Systematic and Applied Microbiology 47 (1) Electrothrix rattekaaiensis Electrothrix aestuarii Electrothrix communis Ts Electronema aureum Ts Electrothrix gigas Electrothrix laxa Electronema halotolerans Electronema Electrothrix Electrothrix arhusiensis
Hidden from plain sight: Novel Simkaniaceae and Rhabdochlamydiaceae diversity emerging from screening genomic and metagenomic data Davison, Hurst (2023). Systematic and Applied Microbiology 46 (6) Sacchariniichlamydia saccharinae Ts Acherontichlamydia pituitae Ts Amphritriteisimkania amoebophyrae Ts Amphritriteisimkania Sacchariniichlamydia Acherontichlamydia
Sedimenticola hydrogenitrophicus sp. nov. a chemolithoautotrophic bacterium isolated from a terrestrial mud volcano, and proposal of Sedimenticolaceae fam. nov. in the order Chromatiales Slobodkina et al. (2023). Systematic and Applied Microbiology 46 (5) Sedimenticolaceae