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Complete Genome Sequence of the Endosymbiont of Acanthamoeba Strain UWC8, an Amoeba Endosymbiont Belonging to the “ Candidatus Midichloriaceae” Family in Rickettsiales Wang et al. (2014). Genome Announcements 2 (4) “Midichloriaceae” Ca. Midichloriaceae
Draft Genome Sequence of the Endosymbiont “ Candidatus Ruthia magnifica” UCD-CM (Phylum Proteobacteria ) Lee et al. (2014). Genome Announcements 2 (4) Ca. Ruthia magnifica
Genome Sequence of “ Candidatus Arthromitus” sp. Strain SFB-Mouse-NL, a Commensal Bacterium with a Key Role in Postnatal Maturation of Gut Immune Functions Bolotin et al. (2014). Genome Announcements 2 (4) Ca. Arthromitus
Genome Reconstruction and Gene Expression of “Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis” Clade IB Performing Biological Phosphorus Removal Mao et al. (2014). Environmental Science & Technology 48 (17) “Accumulibacter phosphatis”
Structural & biochemical study of peroxiredoxin from Candidatus liberibacter asiaticus Singh et al. (2014). Acta Crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances 70 (a1) Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus
Life in an unusual intracellular niche: a bacterial symbiont infecting the nucleus of amoebae Schulz et al. (2014). The ISME Journal 8 (8) Nucleicultrix Nucleicultrix amoebiphila Ts
First Report of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’ and ‘Ca. P. convolvuli’ Associated with Grapevine Bois Noir and Bindweed Yellows, Respectively, in Georgia Quaglino et al. (2014). Plant Disease 98 (8) Ca. Phytoplasma solani
Association of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum’ with a Vegetative Disorder of Celery in Spain and Development of a Real-Time PCR Method for Its Detection Teresani et al. (2014). Phytopathology® 104 (8) “Liberibacter solanacearum”
Occurrence of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma asteris’ in citrus showing Huanglongbing symptoms in Mexico Arratia-Castro et al. (2014). Crop Protection 62 Ca. Phytoplasma asteris
Amphiplicatus metriothermophilus gen. nov., sp. nov., a thermotolerant alphaproteobacterium isolated from a hot spring Zhen-Li et al. (2014). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 64 (Pt_8) Amphiplicatus