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Identification of the bacterial endosymbionts in leaf galls of Psychotria (Rubiaceae, angiosperms) and proposal of 'Candidatus Burkholderia kirkii' sp. nov Van Oevelen (2002). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY MICROBIOLOGY 52 (6) Ca. Burkholderia kirkii
Identification of the bacterial endosymbionts in leaf galls of Psychotria (Rubiaceae, angiosperms) and proposal of 'Candidatus Burkholderia kirkii' sp. nov Van Oevelen et al. (2002). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52 (6) Ca. Burkholderia kirkii
Clinical and aetiological aspects of a summer enteritic syndrome associated with the sporulating segmented filamentous bacterium 'Candidatus Arthromitus' in farmed rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum) Michel et al. (2002). Journal of Fish Diseases 25 (9) Ca. Arthromitus
Tissue Localization of the Endosymbiotic Bacterium “ Candidatus Blochmannia floridanus” in Adults and Larvae of the Carpenter Ant Camponotus floridanus Sauer et al. (2002). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 68 (9) Ca. Blochmannia floridanus
'Candidatus Phytoplasma castaneae', a novel phytoplasma taxon associated with chestnut witches' broom disease Jung et al. (2002). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 52 (5) Ca. Phytoplasma castaneae
'Candidatus Phytoplasma castaneae', a novel phytoplasma taxon associated with chestnut witches' broom disease Jung (2002). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY MICROBIOLOGY 52 (5) Ca. Phytoplasma castaneae
Small genome of Candidatus Blochmannia, the bacterial endosymbiont of Camponotus, implies irreversible specialization to an intracellular lifestyle a aThe GenBank accession number for the sequence reported in this paper is AF495758 Wernegreen et al. (2002). Microbiology 148 (8) Ca. Blochmannia
Candidatus B.A. und der„CANON” - Prozess Jaenicke (2002). Chemie in unserer Zeit 36 (3)
Involvement of Rhodocyclus -Related Organisms in Phosphorus Removal in Full-Scale Wastewater Treatment Plants Zilles et al. (2002). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 68 (6) “Accumulibacter”
Use of the Verrucomicrobia -Specific Probe EUB338-III and Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization for Detection of “ Candidatus Xiphinematobacter” Cells in Nematode Hosts Vandekerckhove et al. (2002). Applied and Environmental Microbiology 68 (6) Ca. Xiphinematobacter