Molecular Biology


Genome Sequence of “ Candidatus Dehalogenimonas etheniformans” Strain GP, a Vinyl Chloride-Respiring Anaerobe

Yang et al. (2020). Microbiology Resource Announcements 9 (50)
Ca. Dehalogenimonas etheniformans
“ Candidatus Dehalogenimonas etheniformans” strain GP couples growth with the reductive dechlorination of vinyl chloride and several polychlorinated ethenes. The genome sequence comprises a circular 2.07-Mb chromosome with a G+C content of 51.9% and harbors 50 putative reductive dehalogenase genes.

Draft Genome Sequence of a Filamentous Anoxygenic Phototrophic Bacterium, “ Candidatus Roseilinea sp. Strain NK_OTU-006,” Recovered from Metagenomic Data of a Hot Spring Microbial Mat

Martinez et al. (2020). Microbiology Resource Announcements 9 (50)
We report here the metagenome-assembled draft genome of an uncultured filamentous anoxygenic phototroph of the phylum Chloroflexota (formerly Chloroflexi ), “ Candidatus Roseilinea sp. strain NK_OTU-006,” recovered from hot spring-associated microbial mats. The 3.6-Mb genome is estimated to be 94% complete and comprises 117 contigs encoding 3,203 predicted genes, including a full-length rRNA operon.

A Case of Persistent Diarrhea in a Man with the Molecular Detection of Various Campylobacter species and the First Isolation of candidatus Campylobacter infans

Flipse et al. (2020). Pathogens 9 (12)
A man with a well-controlled HIV infection, previously diagnosed with lymphogranuloma venereum and treated for Hodgkin’s lymphoma, was suffering from chronic diarrhea. He travelled to Indonesia in the month prior to the start of complaints. Over a 15-month period, sequences related to Campylobactertroglodytis/upsaliensis, C. pinnepediorum/mucosalis/concisus and C. hominis were detected by 16S rRNA qPCR-based assays in various stool samples and in a colon biopsy. Culture revealed the first isolat

Multilocus Genotyping Reveals New Molecular Markers for Differentiating Distinct Genetic Lineages among “Candidatus Phytoplasma Solani” Strains Associated with Grapevine Bois Noir

Passera et al. (2020). Pathogens 9 (11)
Ca. Phytoplasma Ca. Phytoplasma solani
Grapevine Bois noir (BN) is associated with infection by “Candidatus Phytoplasma solani” (CaPsol). In this study, an array of CaPsol strains was identified from 142 symptomatic grapevines in vineyards of northern, central, and southern Italy and North Macedonia. Molecular typing of the CaPsol strains was carried out by analysis of genes encoding 16S rRNA and translation elongation factor EF-Tu, as well as eight other previously uncharacterized genomic fragments. Strains of tuf-type a and b were

Epidemiological Investigations and Molecular Characterization of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’ in Grapevines, Weeds, Vectors and Putative Vectors in Western Sicily (Southern Italy)

Conigliaro et al. (2020). Pathogens 9 (11)
Ca. Phytoplasma solani
Bois noir is caused by ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’, and it is one of the most important and widespread diseases in the Euro-Mediterranean region. There are complex interactions between phytoplasma and grapevines, weeds, and vectors. These ecological relationships can be tracked according to molecular epidemiology. The aims of the 2-year study (2014–2015) were to describe incidence and spatial distribution of Bois noir in a vineyard with three grapevine varieties in Sicily, and to identify th

‘Candidatus Liberibacter Asiaticus’ SDE1 Effector Induces Huanglongbing Chlorosis by Downregulating Host DDX3 Gene

Zhou et al. (2020). International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 (21)
Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus Liberibacter
‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ (CLas) is the pathogenic bacterium that causes the disease Huanglongbing (HLB) in citrus and some model plants, such as Nicotiana benthamiana. After infection, CLas releases a set of effectors to modulate host responses. One of these critical effectors is Sec-delivered effector 1 (SDE1), which induces chlorosis and cell death in N. benthamiana. In this study, we revealed the DEAD-box RNA helicase (DDX3) interacts with SDE1. Gene silencing study revealed that k

‘Candidatus Oscillochloris kuznetsovii’ a novel mesophilic filamentous anoxygenic phototrophic Chloroflexales bacterium from Arctic coastal environments

Gaisin et al. (2020). FEMS Microbiology Letters 367 (19)
Ca. Oscillochloris kuznetsovii
ABSTRACT Chloroflexales bacteria are mostly known as filamentous anoxygenic phototrophs that thrive as members of the microbial communities of hot spring cyanobacterial mats. Recently, we described many new Chloroflexales species from non-thermal environments and showed that mesophilic Chloroflexales are more diverse than previously expected. Most of these species were isolated from aquatic environments of mid-latitudes. Here, we present the comprehensive characterization of a new

Draft Genome Sequence of a Novel “ Candidatus Liberibacter” Species Detected in a Zanthoxylum Species from Bhutan

Chambers et al. (2020). Microbiology Resource Announcements 9 (40)
The draft genome sequence of a novel “ Candidatus Liberibacter” species detected in an unidentified species of Zanthoxylum (Rutaceae) collected in Bhutan is reported. The total length is 1,408,989 bp with 1,169 coding sequences in 96 contigs, a GC content of 37.3%, and 76 to 77% average nucleotide identity with several other “ Ca . Liberibacter” species.

Genome Analysis of “ Candidatus Regiella insecticola” Strain TUt, Facultative Bacterial Symbiont of the Pea Aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum

Nikoh et al. (2020). Microbiology Resource Announcements 9 (40)
Ca. Regiella insecticola
The genome of “ Candidatus Regiella insecticola” strain TUt, a facultative bacterial symbiont of the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum , was analyzed. We determined a 2.5-Mb draft genome consisting of 14 contigs; this will contribute to the understanding of the symbiont, which underpins various ecologically adaptive traits of the host insect.

Draft Genome Sequence of “ Candidatus Phytoplasma pruni” (X-Disease Group, Subgroup 16SrIII-B) Strain ChTDIII from Argentina

Fernández et al. (2020). Microbiology Resource Announcements 9 (38)
Ca. Phytoplasma pruni
Herein, we report the draft genome sequence of “ Candidatus Phytoplasma pruni” strain ChTDIII (subgroup 16SrIII-B). The final assembly consists of 790,517 nucleotides organized in 67 contigs (minimal size, 1 kb), with a G+C content of 29.4% and encoding 672 proteins.