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Novel taxa of Acidobacteriota implicated in seafloor sulfur cycling

Flieder et al. (2021). The ISME Journal 15 (11)
Sulfomarinibacter kjeldsenii Ts Sulfomarinibacter Sulfomarinibacteraceae “Polarisedimenticola svalbardensis” “Polarisedimenticola” “Polarisedimenticolaceae” “Polarisedimenticolia” “Polarisedimenticolales”
Abstract Acidobacteriota are widespread and often abundant in marine sediments, yet their metabolic and ecological properties are poorly understood. Here, we examined metabolisms and distributions of Acidobacteriota in marine sediments of Svalbard by functional predictions from metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs), amplicon sequencing of 16S rRNA and dissimilatory sulfite reductase (dsrB) genes and transcripts, and gene expression analyses of tetrathionate-amended microcosms. Acido

Niche partitioning of the ubiquitous and ecologically relevant NS5 marine group

Priest et al. (2022). The ISME Journal 16 (6)
“Marisimplicoccus framensis” “Marisimplicoccus” “Marivariicella” “Marivariicella framensis” “Maricapacicella” “Maricapacicella forsetii” “Arcticimaribacter” “Arcticimaribacter forsetii”
AbstractNiche concept is a core tenet of ecology that has recently been applied in marine microbial research to describe the partitioning of taxa based either on adaptations to specific conditions across environments or on adaptations to specialised substrates. In this study, we combine spatiotemporal dynamics and predicted substrate utilisation to describe species-level niche partitioning within the NS5 Marine Group. Despite NS5 representing one of the most abundant marine flavobacterial clades

Closed genomes uncover a saltwater species of Candidatus Electronema and shed new light on the boundary between marine and freshwater cable bacteria

Sereika et al. (2023). The ISME Journal 17 (4)
Electronema halotolerans Electrothrix laxa Electronema Electronema aureum Ts Electrothrix Electrothrix gigas Electrothrix arhusiensis Electrothrix communis Ts
AbstractCable bacteria of theDesulfobulbaceaefamily are centimeter-long filamentous bacteria, which are capable of conducting long-distance electron transfer. Currently, all cable bacteria are classified into two candidate genera:CandidatusElectronema, typically found in freshwater environments, andCandidatusElectrothrix, typically found in saltwater environments. This taxonomic framework is based on both 16S rRNA gene sequences and metagenome-assembled genome (MAG) phylogenies. However, most of

Naming the unnamed: over 65,000 Candidatus names for unnamed Archaea and Bacteria in the Genome Taxonomy Database

Pallen et al. (2022). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 72 (9)
“Afabia udivosa” “Afabia” “Afabiaceae” “Afabiales” “Afabiia” “Afabiota” “Paenistieleria bergensis”
Thousands of new bacterial and archaeal species and higher-level taxa are discovered each year through the analysis of genomes and metagenomes. The Genome Taxonomy Database (GTDB) provides hierarchical sequence-based descriptions and classifications for new and as-yet-unnamed taxa. However, bacterial nomenclature, as currently configured, cannot keep up with the need for new well-formed names. Instead, microbiologists have been forced to use hard-to-remember alphanumeric placeholder labels. Here

Undinarchaeota illuminate DPANN phylogeny and the impact of gene transfer on archaeal evolution

Dombrowski et al. (2020). Nature Communications 11 (1)
“Undinarchaeia” “Undinarchaeota” “Naiadarchaeales” “Undinarchaeales” “Naiadarchaeaceae” “Undinarchaeaceae” “Undinarchaeum marinum”
AbstractThe recently discovered DPANN archaea are a potentially deep-branching, monophyletic radiation of organisms with small cells and genomes. However, the monophyly and early emergence of the various DPANN clades and their role in life’s evolution are debated. Here, we reconstructed and analysed genomes of an uncharacterized archaeal phylum (CandidatusUndinarchaeota), revealing that its members have small genomes and, while potentially being able to conserve energy through fermentation, like

Phylogeny resolved, metabolism revealed: functional radiation within a widespread and divergent clade of sponge symbionts

Taylor et al. (2021). The ISME Journal 15 (2)
Perseibacter sydneyensis Ts Perseibacter Perseibacteraceae Tethybacter castelli Ts Tethybacter Tethybacteraceae Tethybacterales
Abstract The symbiosis between bacteria and sponges has arguably the longest evolutionary history for any extant metazoan lineage, yet little is known about bacterial evolution or adaptation in this process. An example of often dominant and widespread bacterial symbionts of sponges is a clade of uncultured and uncharacterised Proteobacteria. Here we set out to characterise this group using metagenomics, in-depth phylogenetic analyses, metatranscriptomics, and fluorescence in situ