Oren, Aharon


Cultivation of novel Atribacterota from oil well provides new insight into their diversity, ecology, and evolution in anoxic, carbon-rich environments

Valid publication of four additional phylum names

Göker, Oren (2023). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 73 (9)
“Methanofastidiosia” Thermococci Methanonatronarchaeia Methanoliparia Halobacteria Archaeoglobi
The International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes (ICNP) now includes the phylum category. For the purpose of the valid publication of their names under the ICNP, we consider here four phyla. Slightly modified descriptions of ‘ Abditibacteriota ’ Tahon et al. 2018 and ‘ Desulfobacterota ’ Waite et al. 2020 are provided to

Coraliomargarita parva sp. nov., isolated from mangrove sediment and genome-based analysis of the class Opitutae revealed five novel families: Coraliomargaritaceae fam. nov., Pelagicoccaceae fam. nov., Cerasicoccaeae fam. nov., Oceanipulchritudinaceae fam. nov., and Alterococcaeae fam. nov

Min et al. (2023). Frontiers in Microbiology 14
Alterococcaceae Cerasicoccaceae Coraliomargaritaceae Pelagicoccaceae
Members of the class Opitutae are widely distributed in various environments such as rice paddy soil, freshwater lakes, seawater, marine sediment, and invertebrate digestive tracts. The class currently consists of two orders, Opitutales and Puniceicoccales, represented by the families Opitutaceae and Puniceicoccaceae, respectively, which are primarily delineated on the basis of 16S rRNA gene sequences and limited phenotypic characterizations of a few type strains. The scarcity of 16S rRNA gene a

Naming genera after geographical locations. Proposal to emend Appendix 9 of the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes

Oren, Chuvochina (2023). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 73 (5)
Macondimonas Kapaibacterium
Appendix 9, Section E of the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes provides guidelines on how to form adjectival specific and subspecific epithets that reflect the geographical location where the organism was found or studied. It does not mention ways of naming genera after geographical locations. We here propose emendation of Appendix 9 with the recommendations on how to form such names. Comments on the implementation of the current wording of Appendix 9, Section E are also made.

Candidatus List. Lists of names of prokaryotic Candidatus phyla

Oren, Göker (2023). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 73 (5)
“Caldatribacteriota” “Caldipriscota” “Calescibacteriota” “Canglongiota” “Deferrimicrobiota” “Dormiibacterota” “Eremiobacterota” “Fermentibacterota” “Fervidibacterota” “Freyrarchaeota” “Geothermarchaeota” “Heilongiota” “Hermodarchaeota” “Hinthialibacterota” “Huberarchaeota” “Hydrogenedentota” “Hydrothermota” “Iainarchaeota” “Kapaibacteriota” “Krumholzibacteriota” “Kryptoniota” “Kerfeldiibacteriota” “Komeiliibacteriota” “Levyibacteriota” “Lindowiibacteriota” “Liptoniibacteriota” “Lloydiibacteriota” “Magasanikiibacteriota” “Margulisiibacteriota” “Martarchaeota” “Melainobacteriota” “Moissliibacteriota” “Montesoliibacteriota” “Nealsoniibacteriota” “Nezhaarchaeota” “Niyogiibacteriota” “Nomuraibacteriota” “Pacearchaeota” “Peregrinibacteriota” “Poribacteriota” “Portnoyibacteriota” “Ratteibacteriota” “Raymondiibacteriota” “Roizmaniibacteriota” “Rokuibacteriota” “Ryaniibacteriota” “Saganiibacteriota” “Schekmaniibacteriota” “Spechtiibacteriota” “Stahliibacteriota” “Staskawicziibacteriota” “Sungiibacteriota” “Tagaibacteriota” “Tayloriibacteriota” “Tectimicrobiota” “Terryibacteriota” “Torokiibacteriota” “Uhriibacteriota” “Vebleniibacteriota” “Wolfeibacteriota” “Woykeibacteriota” “Yanofskyibacteriota” “Yonathiibacteriota” “Zambryskiibacteriota” “Abawacaibacteriota” “Augarchaeota” “Lokiarchaeota” “Macinerneyibacteriota” “Methanomethylicota” “Moduliflexota” “Nanohalarchaeota” “Neomarinimicrobiota” “Odinarchaeota” “Paceibacterota” “Parcunitrobacterota” “Parvarchaeota” “Poseidoniota” “Qinglongiota” “Saccharimonadota” “Sifarchaeota” “Sumerlaeota” “Tianyaibacteriota” “Undinarchaeota” “Wukongarchaeota” “Babelota” “Wirthibacterota” “Rifleibacteriota” “Joergenseniibacteriota” “Kueneniibacteriota” “Jacksoniibacteriota” “Moraniibacteriota” “Shapirobacteriota” “Zixiibacteriota” Cloacimonadota Muiribacteriota “Latescibacterota” “Acetithermota” “Aenigmatarchaeota” “Aerophobota” “Altiarchaeota” “Altimarinota” “Aminicenantota”

Validation of the names Cyanobacterium and Cyanobacterium stanieri, and proposal of Cyanobacteriota phyl. nov

Oren et al. (2022). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 72 (10)
Cyanobacterium Cyanobacterium stanieri T Cyanobacteriota Cyanophyceae
The decision by the International Committee on Systematics of Prokaryotes (ICSP) to place the rank of phylum under the rules of the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes (ICNP), with phylum names ending in –ota based on the name of a type genus, enables the valid publication of the phylum name Cyanobacteriota with Cyanobacterium as the type genus. The names