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Analysis of 525 Samples To Determine the Usefulness of PCR Amplification and Sequencing of the 16S rRNA Gene for Diagnosis of Bone and Joint Infections

Fenollar et al. (2006). Journal of Clinical Microbiology 44 (3)
“Anaerococcus massiliensis” “Anaerococcus phoceensis” “Anaerococcus timonensis” “Clostridium massiliense” “Clostridium timonense” “Peptoniphilus massiliensis”
ABSTRACT The 16S rRNA gene PCR in the diagnosis of bone and joint infections has not been systematically tested. Five hundred twenty-five bone and joint samples collected from 525 patients were cultured and submitted to 16S rRNA gene PCR detection of bacteria in parallel. The amplicons with mixed sequences were also cloned. When discordant results were observed, culture and PCR were performed once again. Bacteria were detected in 139 of 525 samples. Culture and 16S rRNA ge

“Candidatus Mystax nordicus” Aggregates with Mitochondria of Its Host, the Ciliate Paramecium nephridiatum

Korotaev et al. (2020). Diversity 12 (6)
Ca. Gortzia Ca. Hafkinia Ca. Megaira venefica Ca. Mystax Ca. Mystax nordicus Ca. Paraholospora
Extensive search for new endosymbiotic systems in ciliates occasionally reverts us to the endosymbiotic bacteria described in the pre-molecular biology era and, hence, lacking molecular characterization. A pool of these endosymbionts has been referred to as a hidden bacterial biodiversity from the past. Here, we provide a description of one of such endosymbionts, retrieved from the ciliate Paramecium nephridiatum. This curve-shaped endosymbiont (CS), which shared the host cytoplasm with recently

Prevalence of Spotted Fever Group Rickettsia and Candidatus Lariskella in Multiple Tick Species from Guizhou Province, China

Lu et al. (2022). Biomolecules 12 (11)
“Midichloriaceae” Ca. Lariskella Ca. Lariskella guizhouensis Ca. Midichloria mitochondrii Ca. Midichloriaceae Ca. Rickettsia jingxinensis
Rickettsiales (Rickettsia spp., Ehrlichia spp., and Anaplasma spp., etc.) are generally recognized as potentially emerging tick-borne pathogens. However, some bacteria and areas in China remain uninvestigated. In this study, we collected 113 ticks from mammals in Guizhou Province, Southwest China, and screened for the Rickettsiales bacteria. Subsequently, two spotted fever group Rickettsia species and one Candidatus Lariskella sp. were detected and characterized. “Candidatus Rickettsia jingxinen

Metagenome-assembled genomes of three Hepatoplasmataceae provide insights into isopod-mollicute symbiosis

Kawato et al. (2024). Access Microbiology 6 (2)
Hepatoplasma vulgare Tyloplasma litorale Ts Hepatoplasma scabrum Tyloplasma Hepatoplasma crinochetorum Ts
The digestive organs of terrestrial isopods harbour bacteria of the recently proposed mollicute family Hepatoplasmataceae. The only complete genome available so far for Hepatoplasmataceae is that of ‘Candidatus Hepatoplasma crinochetorum’. The scarcity of genome sequences has hampered our understanding of the symbiotic relationship between isopods and mollicutes. Here, we present four complete metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) of uncultured Hepatoplasmataceae members identified from shotgun se

Nanobdella aerobiophila gen. nov., sp. nov., a thermoacidophilic, obligate ectosymbiotic archaeon, and proposal of Nanobdellaceae fam. nov., Nanobdellales ord. nov. and Nanobdellia class. nov

Kato et al. (2022). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 72 (8)
Nanobdella aerobiophila T Nanobdella Nanobdellaceae Nanobdellales Nanobdellia
A co-culture of a novel thermoacidophilic, obligate symbiotic archaeon, designated as strain MJ1T, with its specific host archaeon Metallosphaera sedula strain MJ1HA was obtained from a terrestrial hot spring in Japan. Strain MJ1T grew in the co-culture under aerobic conditions. Coccoid cells of strain MJ1T were 200–500 nm in diameter, and attached to the MJ1HA cells in the co-culture. The ranges and optima o