International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology


Revision of the ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma’ species description guidelines

Bertaccini et al. (2022). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 72 (4)
Ca. Phytoplasma
The genus ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma’ was proposed to accommodate cell wall-less bacteria that are molecularly and biochemically incompletely characterized, and colonize plant phloem and insect vector tissues. This provisional classification is highly relevant due to its application in epidemiological and ecological studies, mainly aimed at keeping the severe phytoplasma plant diseases under control worldwide. Given the increasing discovery of molecular diversity within the genus ‘Ca. Phytoplasma’,

CANDIDATUS LIST No. 3. Lists of names of prokaryotic Candidatus taxa

Oren, Garrity (2022). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 72 (1)
Elulimicrobiia “Saccharimonadia” “Ozemibacteria” “Caenarcanales” “Fibrimonadales” “Methanoflorentales” “Ozemibacterales” “Fibrimonadaceae” “Ozemibacteraceae” “Acidiflorens” “Annandiella” “Aramenus” “Arocatia” “Changshengia” “Cibionibacter” “Cuticulibacterium” “Didemniditutus” “Endohaliclona” “Euplotella” “Fibrimonas” “Forterrea” “Ischnodemia” “Neowolbachia” “Nitrobium” “Ozemibacter” “Paracaedimonas” “Parafinniella” “Pleuronema” “Reconciliibacillus” “Roseilinea” “Rubidus” “Stammera” “Theodorhartigia” “Acidiflorens stordalenmirensis” “Anadelfobacter sociabilis” “Anaerococcus massiliensis” “Anaerococcus phoceensis” “Anaerococcus timonensis” “Annandiella adelgistsugae” “Annandiella pinicola” “Aramenus sulfurataquae” “Arocatia carayonii” “Azospirillum massiliense” “Bandiella numerosa” “Desulfofervidia” “Macinerneyibacteriia” “Nanohalobiia” “Nanoperiodontomorbia” “Nanosyncoccia” “Syntrophaliphaticia” “Undinarchaeia” “Bartonella gerbillinarum” “Bartonella khokhlovae” “Bartonella negevensis” “Bartonella rudakovii” “Borrelia africana” “Borrelia ivorensis” “Borrelia fainii” “Brocadia braziliensis” “Cibionibacter quicibialis” “Clostridium massiliense” “Clostridium timonense” “Cuticulibacterium kirbyi” “Cytophaga massiliensis” “Desulfopertinax cowenii” Desulfosporosinus infrequens “Didemniditutus mandelae” “Ehrlichia regneryi” “Ehrlichia shimanensis” “Endohaliclona renieramycinifaciens” “Adiutricales” “Desulfofervidales” “Fermentimicrarchaeales” “Entotheonella gemina” “Euplotella sexta” “Finniella dimorpha” “Fibrimonas termitidis” “Forterrea multitransposorum” “Halobeggiatoa borealis” “Ischnodemia utriculi” “Liberibacter brunswickensis” “Mastigocoleus perforans” “Methanoflorens crillii” “Mycoplasma erythrocervae” “Guanabaribacteriales” “Hakubellales” “Macinerneyibacteriales” “Methylospongiales” “Naiadarchaeales” “Nanogingivalales” “Nanohalobiales” “Tepidaquicellales” “Adiutricaceae” “Aminobacteroidaceae” “Chazhemtonibacteriaceae” “Fermentimicrarchaeaceae” “Hakubellaceae” “Macinerneyibacteriaceae” “Magnetomoraceae” “Nanogingivalaceae” “Nanohalobiaceae” “Tepidaquicellaceae” “Thiobarbaceae” “Undinarchaeaceae” “Abditibacter” “Acidifodinimicrobium” “Aminobacteroides” “Anthektikosiphon” “Vallotia laricis” “Vallotia japonica” “Typhincola belonochilicola” “Treponema suis” “Mycoplasma haematomelis” “Nardonella dryophthoridicola” “Nardonella hylobii” “Neoehrlichia tanzaniensis” “Neowolbachia serbiensis” “Tokpelaia hoelldobleri” “Ozemibacter sibiricus” “Paracaedimonas acanthamoebae” “Parafinniella ignota” “Peptoniphilus massiliensis” “Piscichlamydia cyprini” “Pleuronema perforans” “Pleuronema testarum” “Profftia japonica” “Profftia laricis” “Pseudomonas adelgistsugae” “Reconciliibacillus cellulosivorans” “Rickettsia laoensis” “Rickettsia mahosoti” “Roseilinea gracilis” “Sedimenticola endophacoides” “Spiroplasma holothuriicola” “Stammera capsulata” “Synechococcus calcipolaris” “Theodorhartigia pinicola” “Thiosymbium robbeae” “Weimeria bifida”

Taxonomic note on the family Pseudonocardiaceae based on phylogenomic analysis and descriptions of Allosaccharopolyspora gen. nov. and Halosaccharopolyspora gen. nov

Teo et al. (2021). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 71 (10)
Bounagaea Pseudonocardiaceae Amycolatopsis Actinoalloteichus cyanogriseus T Actinoalloteichus Actinoalloteichus caeruleus
The taxonomic positions of members within the family Pseudonocardiaceae were assessed based on phylogenomic trees reconstructed using core-proteome and genome blast distance phylogeny approaches. The closely clustered genome sequences from the type strains of validly published names within the family Pseudonocardiaceae wer

The status Candidatus for uncultured taxa of Bacteria and Archaea: SWOT analysis

Pallen (2021). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 71 (9)
The status Candidatus was introduced to bacterial taxonomy in the 1990s to accommodate uncultured taxa defined by analyses of DNA sequences. Here I review the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) associated with the status Candidatus in the light of a quarter century of use, twinned with recent developments in bacterial taxonomy and sequence-based taxonomic discovery. Despite ambiguities as to its scope, philosophical objections to its use and practical problems in implementat

‘Candidatus Xiphinematincola pachtaicus' gen. nov., sp. nov., an endosymbiotic bacterium associated with nematode species of the genus Xiphinema (Nematoda, Longidoridae)

Palomares-Rius et al. (2021). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 71 (7)
Ca. Glomeribacter gigasporarum Ca. Xiphinematincola pachtaicus Ca. Xiphinematincola
An intracellular bacterium, strain IAST, was observed to infect several species of the plant-parasitic nematode genus Xiphinema (Xiphinema astaregiense, Xiphinema incertum, Xiphinema madeirense, Xiphinema pachtaicum, Xiphinema parapachydermum and Xiphinema vallense). The bacterium could not be recovered on axenic medium. The 16S rRNA gene sequence of IAST was found to be new, being related to the family Burkholderiaceae, class Betaproteobacteria. Fungal endosymbionts

Alborzia kermanshahica gen. nov., sp. nov. (Chroococcales, Cyanobacteria), isolated from paddy fields in Iran

Nowruzi, Soares (2021). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 71 (6)
Alborzia kermanshahica T Alborzia
In Iran, polyphasic studies of unicellular cyanobacteria are still scarce, with more emphasis being placed on filamentous cyanobacteria in paddy fields and fresh water regions. In an effort to increase the knowledge of the diversity of unicellular cyanobacteria from paddy fields in Iran, we have isolated and characterized a new unicellular cyanobacterium strain. The strain was studied using a polyphasic approach based on morphological, ecological and phylogenetic analyses of the 16S–23S ITS rRNA

Amazonocrinis nigriterrae gen. nov., sp. nov., Atlanticothrix silvestris gen. nov., sp. nov. and Dendronalium phyllosphericum gen. nov., sp. nov., nostocacean cyanobacteria from Brazilian environments

Alvarenga et al. (2021). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 71 (5)
The cyanobacterial genus Nostoc is an important contributor to carbon and nitrogen bioavailability in terrestrial ecosystems and a frequent partner in symbiotic relationships with non-diazotrophic organisms. However, since this currently is a polyphyletic genus, the diversity of Nostoc -like cyanobacteria is considerably un

'Candidatus Phytoplasma dypsidis', a novel taxon associated with a lethal wilt disease of palms in Australia

Jones et al. (2021). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 71 (5)
Ca. Phytoplasma Ca. Phytoplasma dypsidis Ca. Phytoplasma noviguineense
A phytoplasma was initially detected in Dypsis poivriana by nested and real-time PCR from the botanical gardens in Cairns, Queensland, Australia in 2017. Further surveys in the Cairns region identified phytoplasma infections in eight additional dying ornamental palm species (Euterpe precatoria, Cocos nucifera, Verschaffeltia splendida, Brassiophoenix drymophloeodes, Burretiokentia hapala, Cyrtostachys renda, Reinhardtia gracilis, Carpoxylon macrospermum), a Phoenix species, a Euterpe species and

Aquiluna borgnonia gen. nov., sp. nov., a member of a Microbacteriaceae lineage of freshwater bacteria with small genome sizes

Pitt et al. (2021). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 71 (5)
Aquiluna Aquiluna borgnonia T “Aquiluna rubra”
The actinobacterial strain 15G-AUS-rotT was isolated from an artificial pond located near Salzburg, Austria. The strain showed 16S rRNA gene sequence similarities of 98.7 % to Candidatus Aquiluna rubra and of 96.6 and 96.7 % to the two validly described species of the genus Rhodoluna . Phylogenetic reconstructions based on 16S rRNA gene sequences and genome-based on amino acid sequences of 118 single copy gene