Nielsen, Per H.


A comprehensive overview of the Chloroflexota community in wastewater treatment plants worldwide

CRISPR-Cas phage defense systems and prophages inCandidatusAccumulibacter

Deng et al. (2022).
AbstractCandidatusAccumulibacter is a key genus of polyphosphate-accumulating organisms (PAOs) found in laboratory- and full-scale wastewater treatment systems, mediating enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR). However, little is known about their ability to resist phage infection. We conducted a systematic analysis of the occurrence and characteristics of clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats and associated proteins (CRISPR-Cas) systems and prophages in diverseCa.Accu

Reevaluation of the Phylogenetic Diversity and Global Distribution of the Genus “CandidatusAccumulibacter”

Petriglieri et al. (2022). mSystems 7 (3)
“Accumulibacter” “Accumulibacter adiacens” “Accumulibacter meliphilus” “Accumulibacter propinquus” “Accumulibacter contiguus” “Accumulibacter vicinus” “Accumulibacter cognatus” “Accumulibacter affinis” “Accumulibacter proximus” “Accumulibacter necessarius” “Accumulibacter iunctus” “Accumulibacter similis” “Accumulibacter conexus” “Propionivibrio dominans” “Accumulibacter adjunctus” “Proximibacter danicus” “Proximibacter”
“CandidatusAccumulibacter” is the most studied PAO, with a primary role in biological nutrient removal. However, the species-level taxonomy of this lineage is convoluted due to the use of different phylogenetic markers or genome sequencing approaches. Here, we redefined the phylogeny of these organisms, proposing a comprehensive approach which could be used to address the classification of other diverse and uncultivated lineages.

Re-evaluation of the phylogenetic diversity and global distribution of the genus Candidatus Accumulibacter

Petriglieri et al. (2021).
“Accumulibacter” “Accumulibacter phosphatis”
AbstractCandidatus Accumulibacter was the first microorganism identified as a polyphosphate-accumulating organism (PAO), important for phosphorus removal from wastewater. This genus is diverse, and the current phylogeny and taxonomic framework appears complicated, with the majority of publicly available genomes classified as “Candidatus Accumulibacter phosphatis”, despite notable phylogenetic divergence. The ppk1 marker gene allows for a finer scale differentiation into different “types” and “cl

Low Global Diversity of Candidatus Microthrix, a Troublesome Filamentous Organism in Full-Scale WWTPs

Nierychlo et al. (2021). Frontiers in Microbiology 12
“Neomicrothrix” “Neomicrothrix subdominans”
CandidatusMicrothrix is one of the most common bulking filamentous microorganisms found in activated sludge wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) across the globe. One species,Ca.M. parvicella, is frequently observed, but global genus diversity, as well as important aspects of its ecology and physiology, are still unknown. Here, we use the MiDAS ecosystem-specific 16S rRNA gene database in combination with amplicon sequencing of Danish and global WWTPs to investigateCa.Microthrix spp. diversity, d

“Candidatus Dechloromonas phosphoritropha” and “Ca. D. phosphorivorans”, novel polyphosphate accumulating organisms abundant in wastewater treatment systems

Petriglieri et al. (2021). The ISME Journal 15 (12)
Ca. Dechloromonas phosphoritropha Ca. Dechloromonas phosphorivorans
AbstractMembers of the genus Dechloromonas are often abundant in enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) systems and are recognized putative polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAOs), but their role in phosphate removal is still unclear. Here, we used 16S rRNA gene sequencing and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to investigate the abundance and distribution of Dechloromonas spp. in Danish and global wastewater treatment plants. The two most abundant species worldwide revealed in

“Candidatus Dechloromonas phosphatis” and “Candidatus Dechloromonas phosphovora”, two novel polyphosphate accumulating organisms abundant in wastewater treatment systems

Petriglieri et al. (2020).
Ca. Dechloromonas phosphatis Ca. Dechloromonas phosphovora
AbstractMembers of the genus Dechloromonas are often abundant in enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) systems and are recognized putative polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAOs), but their role in phosphate (P) removal is still unclear. Here, we used 16S rRNA gene sequencing and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to investigate the abundance and distribution of Dechloromonas spp. in Danish wastewater treatment plants. Two species were abundant, novel, and uncultured, and coul

Correction: Cultivation and characterization of Candidatus Nitrosocosmicus exaquare, an ammonia-oxidizing archaeon from a municipal wastewater treatment system

Sauder et al. (2020). The ISME Journal 14 (9)
Ca. Nitrosocosmicus exaquare
An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via a link at the top of the paper.