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First single-strain enrichments of Electrothrix cable bacteria, description of E. aestuarii sp. nov. and E. rattekaaiensis sp. nov., and proposal of a cable bacteria taxonomy following the rules of the SeqCode Plum-Jensen et al. (2024). Systematic and Applied Microbiology 47 (1) Electrothrix rattekaaiensis Electrothrix aestuarii Electrothrix communis Ts Electronema aureum Ts Electrothrix gigas Electrothrix laxa Electronema halotolerans Electronema Electrothrix Electrothrix arhusiensis
Candidatus List No. 2. Lists of names of prokaryotic Candidatus taxa Oren, Garrity (2021). International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 71 (4) Ca. Argarchaeum Ca. Argarchaeum ethanivorans “Allofontibacter lacus” Nanoclepta minutus Ts Nanoclepta “Cenoporarchaeum stylissae” “Cenoporarchaeum” Macondimonas Macondimonas diazotrophica Ts
Methylotrophic methanogenesis discovered in the archaeal phylum Verstraetearchaeota Vanwonterghem et al. (2016). Nature Microbiology 1 (12) Ca. Methanomethylicia Ca. Methanomethylicus Ca. Methanomethylicus mesodigestus Ca. Methanomethylicus oleisabuli “Methanosuratincola petrocarbonis” “Methanosuratincola” Ca. Methanomethylicaceae Ca. Methanomethylicales “Methanomethylicota”
Symbionts of the ciliate Euplotes : diversity, patterns and potential as models for bacteria–eukaryote endosymbioses Boscaro et al. (2019). Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 286 (1907) “Euplotella” “Fujishimia” “Parafinniella” “Anadelfobacter sociabilis” “Bandiella numerosa” “Euplotella sexta” “Finniella dimorpha” “Fujishimia apicalis” “Parafinniella ignota”
Phenotypic and genomic characterization of Bathyarchaeum tardum gen. nov., sp. nov., a cultivated representative of the archaeal class Bathyarchaeia Khomyakova et al. (2023). Frontiers in Microbiology 14 Bathyarchaeum tardum Ts Bathyarchaeum Bathyarchaeia Bathyarchaeales Bathyarchaeaceae Methanocrinis Methanocrinis harundinaceus Ts Methanocrinis alkalitolerans Methanocrinis natronophilus
Extremely acidic proteomes and metabolic flexibility in bacteria and highly diversified archaea thriving in geothermal chaotropic brines Gutierrez-Preciado et al. (2024). “Karumarchaeum halophilus” “Abyssiniarchaeum dallolvicinus” “Haloaenigmatarchaeum” “Haloaenigmatarchaeum danakilense” “Abyssiniarchaeum” “Karumarchaeum” “Salsurabacterium abyssinicum” “Salsurabacterium” “Salsurabacteria”
Discovery and ecogenomic context of a global Caldiserica-related phylum active in thawing permafrost, Candidatus Cryosericota phylum nov., Ca. Cryosericia class nov., Ca. Cryosericales ord. nov., Ca. Cryosericaceae fam. nov., comprising the four species Cryosericum septentrionale gen. nov. sp. nov., Ca. C. hinesii sp. nov., Ca. C. odellii sp. nov., Ca. C. terrychapinii sp. nov Martinez et al. (2019). Systematic and Applied Microbiology 42 (1) Ca. Cryosericaceae Ca. Cryosericales Ca. Cryosericia “Cryosericota” Ca. Cryosericum septentrionale “Cryosericum” Ca. Cryosericum hinesii Ca. Cryosericum odellii Ca. Cryosericum terrychapinii
A taxonomic framework for cable bacteria and proposal of the candidate genera Electrothrix and Electronema Trojan et al. (2016). Systematic and Applied Microbiology 39 (5) Electronema “Electronema nielsenii” “Electronema palustre” Electrothrix arhusiensis “Electrothrix japonica” “Electrothrix marina” Electrothrix Electrothrix communis Ts
Closed genomes uncover a saltwater species of Candidatus Electronema and shed new light on the boundary between marine and freshwater cable bacteria Sereika et al. (2023). The ISME Journal 17 (4) Electronema halotolerans Electrothrix laxa Electronema Electronema aureum Ts Electrothrix Electrothrix gigas Electrothrix arhusiensis Electrothrix communis Ts
Candidatus Eremiobacterota, a metabolically and phylogenetically diverse terrestrial phylum with acid-tolerant adaptations Ji et al. (2021). The ISME Journal 15 (9) “Eremiobacteraceae” “Eremiobacter” “Eremiobacter antarcticus” “Eremiobacteria” “Zemynaea palustris” Ca. Zemynaea “Xenobiales” “Xenobia”