Microbiology (medical)


Interaction between the flagellum of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus and the vitellogenin-like protein of Diaphorina citri significantly influences CLas titer

Peng et al. (2023). Frontiers in Microbiology 14
Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus
Huanglongbing (HLB) is a global devastating citrus disease that is mainly caused by “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” (CLas). It is mostly transmitted by the insect Asian citrus psyllid (ACP, Diaphorina citri) in a persistent and proliferative manner. CLas traverses multiple barriers to complete an infection cycle and is likely involved in multiple interactions with D. citri. However, the protein–protein interactions between CLas and D. citri are largely unknown. Here, we report on a vitelloge

Metabolic Versatility of the FamilyHalieaceaeRevealed by the Genomics of Novel Cultured Isolates

Li et al. (2023). Microbiology Spectrum 11 (2)
Litorirhabdus singularis Ts Marimicrobium litorale Litorirhabdus Seongchinamella marina Paraluminiphilus aquimaris Ts Paraluminiphilus
Although the familyHalieaceae(OM60/NOR5 clade) is an abundant and cosmopolitan clade widely found in coastal seas and involved in interactions with phytoplankton, a limited number of cultured isolates are available. In this study, we isolated six pure culturedHalieaceaestrains from coastal seawaters and performed a comparative physiological and genomic analysis to give insights into the phylogeny and metabolic potential of this family.

Environmental Factors Affect the Bacterial Community in Diaphorina citri , an Important Vector of “ Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus”

Jiang et al. (2023). Microbiology Spectrum 11 (2)
Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus
The Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) is an important vector of the HLB pathogen, which is a major threat to citrus production around the world. Bacterial communities harbored by insects could be affected by different environmental factors.

“Candidatus Hydrogenisulfobacillus filiaventi” strain R50 gen. nov. sp. nov., a highly efficient producer of extracellular organic compounds from H2 and CO2

Hogendoorn et al. (2023). Frontiers in Microbiology 14
Ca. Hydrogenisulfobacillus filiaventi Ca. Hydrogenisulfobacillus
Production of organic molecules is largely depending on fossil fuels. A sustainable alternative would be the synthesis of these compounds from CO2 and a cheap energy source, such as H2, CH4, NH3, CO, sulfur compounds or iron(II). Volcanic and geothermal areas are rich in CO2 and reduced inorganic gasses and therefore habitats where novel chemolithoautotrophic microorganisms for the synthesis of organic compounds could be discovered. Here we describe “Candidatus Hydrogenisulfobacillus filiaventi”

Hyperactive nanobacteria with host-dependent traits pervade Omnitrophota

Seymour et al. (2023). Nature Microbiology 8 (4)
“Multiplicimicrobium” “Fredricksoniimonas aquilentivivens” “Amyimicrobium” “Omnitrophia” “Omnitrophales” “Omnitrophaceae” “Pluralincolimonas frigidipaludosa” “Fontincolimonas calida” “Profunditerraquicola sanfordiae” “Fredricksoniimonas borealis” “Duberdicusella sinuisediminis” “Phelpsiimicrobium noxiivivens” “Velesiimonas alkalicola” “Aquitaenariimonas noxiae” “Aquincolibacterium aerophilum” “Aquincolibacterium lacustre” “Multiplicimicrobium inquinatum” “Pegaeibacterium caenilacustre” “Danuiimicrobium aquiferis” “Taenariivivens baikalensis” “Aquivivens invisus” “Abzuiibacterium crystallinum” “Makaraimicrobium” “Aquincolibacterium” “Pegaeibacterium” “Aquivivens” “Duberdicusellaceae” “Pluralincolimonadaceae” “Taenariiviventaceae” “Aquincolibacteriaceae” “Aquiviventaceae” “Duberdicusellales” “Ghiorseimicrobiales” “Aquitaenariimonadales” “Velesiimonadales” “Aquiviventales” “Undivivens” “Taenaricolales” “Undivivens industriae” “Sherwoodlollariibacterium unditelluris” “Sherwoodlollariibacterium” “Fontincolimonas” “Aquitaenariimonadaceae” “Profunditerraquicola” “Profunditerraquicolaceae” “Amyimicrobium silvilacustre” “Ghiorseimicrobiaceae” “Ghiorseimicrobium” “Ghiorseimicrobium undicola” “Fredricksoniimonadaceae” “Fredricksoniimonas” “Phelpsiimicrobium” “Pluralincolimonadales” “Duberdicusella” “Velesiimonadaceae” “Velesiimonas” “Taenaricolaceae” “Taenaricola” “Taenaricola geyseris” “Pluralincolimonas” “Aquitaenariimonas” “Makaraimicrobium thalassicum” “Taenariivivens” “Danuiimicrobiaceae” “Danuiimicrobium” “Aquiviventia” “Abzuiibacterium” “Abzuiibacteriaceae” Omnitrophus Omnitrophus fodinae Ts Omnitrophota
AbstractCandidate bacterial phylum Omnitrophota has not been isolated and is poorly understood. We analysed 72 newly sequenced and 349 existing Omnitrophota genomes representing 6 classes and 276 species, along with Earth Microbiome Project data to evaluate habitat, metabolic traits and lifestyles. We applied fluorescence-activated cell sorting and differential size filtration, and showed that most Omnitrophota are ultra-small (~0.2 μm) cells that are found in water, sediments and soils. Omnitro

‘Candidatus Rickettsia andeanae’ and Probable Exclusion of Rickettsia parkeri in Ticks from Dogs in a Natural Area of the Pampa Biome in Brazil

Krawczak et al. (2023). Pathogens 12 (3)
Ca. Rickettsia andeanae
Spotted fever illness caused by the tick-borne pathogen Rickettsia parkeri has emerged in the Pampa biome in southern Brazil, where the tick Amblyomma tigrinum is implicated as the main vector. Because domestic dogs are commonly parasitized by A. tigrinum, this canid is also a suitable sentinel for R. parkeri-associated spotted fever. Herein, we investigate rickettsial infection in ticks, domestic dogs and small mammals in a natural reserve of the Pampa biome in southern Brazil. The ticks A. tig

Persistent flocks of diverse motile bacteria in long-term incubations of electron-conducting cable bacteria, Candidatus Electronema aureum

Lustermans et al. (2023). Frontiers in Microbiology 14
Electronema aureum Ts
Cable bacteria are centimeters-long filamentous bacteria that oxidize sulfide in anoxic sediment layers and reduce oxygen at the oxic-anoxic interface, connecting these reactions via electron transport. The ubiquitous cable bacteria have a major impact on sediment geochemistry and microbial communities. This includes diverse bacteria swimming around cable bacteria as dense flocks in the anoxic zone, where the cable bacteria act as chemotactic attractant. We hypothesized that flocking only appear

Carbon metabolism and biogeography of candidate phylum “Candidatus Bipolaricaulota” in geothermal environments of Biga Peninsula, Turkey

Coskun et al. (2023). Frontiers in Microbiology 14
“Acetithermota” Bipolaricaulota
Terrestrial hydrothermal springs and aquifers are excellent sites to study microbial biogeography because of their high physicochemical heterogeneity across relatively limited geographic regions. In this study, we performed 16S rRNA gene sequencing and metagenomic analyses of the microbial diversity of 11 different geothermal aquifers and springs across the tectonically active Biga Peninsula (Turkey). Across geothermal settings ranging in temperature from 43 to 79°C, one of the most highly repre

Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus: An important factor affecting bacterial community composition and Wolbachia titers in Asian citrus psyllid

Jiang et al. (2023). Frontiers in Microbiology 14
Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus
Endosymbionts play crucial roles in various physiological activities within insect hosts. The Asian citrus psyllid (ACP), Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, is an important vector for Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas), a fatal pathogenic bacterial agent causing the disease Huanglongbing in the citrus industry. This study combines high-throughput sequencing of 16S ribosomal RNA amplicons to explore how CLas affects the bacterial community in different color morphs (blue, gray), genders, and tissue